Yichen Wu

Undergraduate Major/Minor

Environmental Science and International Forestry 

MES Concentration

Global Change Science

Research Interests

Having seen the complex relationship between people, health, and ecosystems, I decided to continue my studies in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. 


Dr. Njal Rollinson 

Awards won (going into the MES program)

 University of Toronto Research Award 



What interested you in the MES program?

The brand-new MES program offers student both academic and professional training in global climate challenges, I was quite honored to join the first MES cohort. 

What do you hope to gain from the MES program?

I wish to gain more expertise in environmental sustainability and build my professional networking at School of Environment.

Future Aspirations (career, education, etc.)

My career plan is to work in environment and climate change in Canada in the short-term, in the long term, I wish to pursue a PhD in biodiversity conservation. 

Anything else you'd like to add (interests, hobbies, relevant previous experiences, etc.)

I am a outdoor person, I enjoy photography and hiking.