Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, and School of the Environment
Department of Earth Sciences, 22 Ursula Franklin St. Toronto, ON M5S 3B1
416-978 -1586
- Downtown Toronto (St. George)
Department of Earth Sciences
Fields of Study
- Environmental Chemistry
- Pollution & Air Quality
Areas of Interest
- The develop defensible strategies to reduce chemical contaminants in the environment
- Sources of chemical emissions to the movement of chemicals through systems and ultimately to exposure
- Systems with relatively high levels of contaminants such as indoor environments and outdoor urban systems
- Mathematical modelling, sampling (and developing methods to sample various environments)
- Analytical chemistry
- Environmental policies and legislation
- 2023 Lakey Award (Bronze Medal): Great Lakes Research Finding of the Year Teach Me About the Great Lakes
- 2022 Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada Royal Society of Canada
- 2022 Best Paper Award 2021 for a Critical Review Environmental Science & Technology
- 2021 Brockhouse Canada Prize for Interdisciplinary Research in Science and Engineering Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
- Reductions of Plastic Microbeads from Personal Care Products in Wastewater Effluents and Lake Waters Following Regulatory Actions ( : 2024)
- Quantitative filter forensics for allergens and semivolatile organic compounds in residential buildings ( : 2024)
- Oil-Sands Process-Affected Water composition effect on Henry’s Law Constants for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds: Theory and Experiment ( : 2024)
- Oil-Sands Process-Affected Water composition effect on Henry’s Law Constants for Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds: Theory and Experiment ( : 2024)
- A Science-Based Agenda for Health-Protective Chemical Assessments and Decisions ( : 2023)
- Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in Canadian Fast Food Packaging ( : 2023)
- Widespread presence of chlorinated paraffins in consumer products ( : 2023)
- Addressing chemical pollution in biodiversity research ( : 2023)
- Conflicts of Interest in the Assessment of Chemicals, Waste, and Pollution ( : 2023)
- Organophosphate ester flame retardants and plasticizers in house dust and mental health outcomes among Canadian mothers: A nested prospective cohort study in CHILD ( : 2023)
- Outside the Safe Operating Space of the Planetary Boundary for Novel Entities ( : 2022)
- Time to Break the “Lock-In” Impediments to Chemicals Management ( : 2022)
- Quantitative filter forensics for semivolatile organic compounds in social housing apartments ( : 2022)
- Enhancing Scientific Support for the Stockholm Convention’s Implementation: An Analysis of Policy Needs for Scientific Evidence ( : 2022)
- Stormwater Bioretention Cells Are Not an Effective Treatment for Persistent and Mobile Organic Compounds (PMOCs) ( : 2022)
- Persistent Problem: Global Challenges to Managing PCBs (ACS Publications : 2022)
- Understanding and addressing the planetary crisis of chemicals and plastics ( : 2022)
- Policy options to account for multiple chemical pollutants threatening biodiversity ( : 2022)
- The Kingston Allergy Birth Cohort: Indoor Exposure to Phthalates and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) for Canadian Children at Age of Two ( : 2021)
- Hands as agents of chemical distribution in the indoor environment ( : 2021)
- Early Life Exposure to Tris(2-butoxyethyl) Phosphate (TBOEP) Is Related to the Development of Childhood Asthma (American Chemical Society : 2021)
- Will your vote help to protect the environment? ( : 2021)
- Novel Bayesian Method to Derive Final Adjusted Values of Physicochemical Properties: Application to 74 Compounds (ACS Publications : 2021)
- Textile Washing Conveys SVOCs from Indoors to Outdoors: Application and Evaluation of a Residential Multimedia Model (ACS Publications : 2021)
- Chemicals in flooring materials: synthetic turf, synthetic grass and parquets ( : 2021)
- Beyond Cholinesterase Inhibition: Developmental Neurotoxicity of Organophosphate Ester Flame Retardants and Plasticizers ( : 2021)
- Anthropogenic particles (including microfibers and microplastics) in sediments of the Canadian Arctic ( : 2021)
- Are we locked into a plastic future? ( : 2020)
- The Widespread Environmental Footprint of Indigo Denim Microfibers from Blue Jeans ( : 2020)